Saturday, April 5, 2014

Day of Solitude at Glen Eyrie April 10, 2013

I started at The Wall....
Sitting outside in the 32 degree cold but sunny day, I took off my glove to turn off my timer on my i-pad to end my time of silence...and then couldn't find my glove seemed to disappear into thin air! I searched my clothes, my bag, under me, the ground in front of me...nothing, where could it be? Quickly feeling panicky inside, my mind told me I NEED that glove, to keep me warm, comfortable.... I stood up and walked around the bench and there it was on the ground behind the in the world did it wind up there, I wondered. Then I asked myself, "Notice how you felt and why?"  I quickly feel panicky when my comfort is disturbed...I crave comfort!
O Lord, what a great place to start my time of seeing where i try to manipulate my world, the false self of pleasure rears its ugly head and is just the beginning of revealing how i try to manage myself. Another awareness is this weekend I've been comparing, "I do that (pride)" or "I don't do THAT!" (self-righteousness and judging). "I've read that book" (Sower of the Seed, Wilderness Time). "I've already had a quiet time and read Jesus Calling." "I do that in my time at mini-retreats." What am I trying to prove and to whom? That I'm spiritual, more spiritual than others? To be perfectly honest with myself,  I confess I do feel that way a lot. I do not like the feeling that comes with that, how do I let that go? Or I have a great idea, thought, insight like about where to have the retreat next year, i like to give my it to gain others esteem?  I look at the quote at the bottom of my journal page and it speaks to this in me: The goal isn't perfection, it's simply to be in an intimate relationship with Jesus each day.  By one sacrifice He has made perfect forever those who are being made holy. Hebrews 10:14

Jesus, forgive me for being so self-focused, trying to prove my worth... I want to LET GO of that and just dwell in Your amazing Love for me so out of that place I can just BE, be who You intend and love others as You have loved me - HELP me!!!!

I walked to the Rose Garden...

Mark 8:22-26 Jesus, why did You lead the blind man out of the village to heal him, was it to have a private moment with You?

Yes, just like this private moment with you, My Eden, in this rose garden. You want to experience My love and know Me as intimately as a bridegroom tenderly and romantically knows His bride. Where better to woo you and desire you than in a rose garden? Just sit with me for a moment in the warmth of the sun/Son, in the quiet of My Presence and partake of Me, receive Me....

I see Jesus riding up to me on a white stallion as I am walking by myself toward the Rose Garden. He sweeps me off my feet and places me, oh so gently in front of Him on His horse as He wraps His warm strong arms around me and pulls me into Him. I see His strong, muscular arms holding me, arms that made the universe, arms that crated tables, chairs, homes. I feel incredibly safe. This is where I want to stay, always, so close I can feel His heart beating, beating for me! We get to the gate at the entrance to the garden and He dismounts and lifts me off and once again gently places me on solid ground. He opens the iron gate and invites me inside. I remember He IS the gate, inside to this holy place, the Holy of Holies where he wants to commune with me, only me. His eyes gaze deeply into mine...I feel tingly all over and it is as if He is seeing deeply into my soul. Tears spring to my eyes, I don't want Him to see that deeply into me, there is too much of my striving, false self that lives within. I turn away but He touches my shoulder and turns me back toward  Himself. I cannot look into His eyes and yet I can sense His loving gaze inviting mine to join His...and so I do.

He speaks into my heart...
How I adore you My love....

A deep gut-wrenching grief overwhelms me and my tears begin to flow....
I don't deserve You, Jesus. I so don't deserve You, You love, Your Presence...
He just listens, lovingly, knowingly, knowing how important it is for me to confess my sin, so He can forgive me, free me, cleanse me...
I try to find my worth in others affirmations of me, in what I do or know, even in boasting of my relationship with You (even if I only boast to myself in my mind).
I compare myself to others either priding myself how far along I am (conceit) or how less than another i am (deceit).
I strive to find my worth somewhere other than in You, my Lord, my Liege, why? Why do I seek anything outside of You?

He listens. He is silent and still, as am I. I drop to my knees before Him and bow my head in shame.

I see I am now at His Cross. He is before me, crucified, naked, ashamed, condemned, just as I am. Then, His blood drips on my head, flows down all over me, covering me completely...and He speaks to His Father .... Forgive her, she doesn't know what she has done...and even if she did, forgive her still....
And then He speaks to me....
Deitra, Eden, Hephzibah, I forgive you with all My heart. I gave My life for yours, THAT is how valuable you lifeblood poured out on your behalf. The bread blessed and broken, the wine poured out...all for you. 

I look once again and now I see Jesus all in white and glowing, glorified. He's alive! He is resurrected from the dead. He invites me to resurrection as words...just an inviting gaze into my eyes and straight to my soul. It is as if His laser focus is burning away the dross and going directly to my soul...and I know a deep knowing that I am healed, I am forgiven, washed whiter than snow, I am pure, cleansed, made new and I share a Oneness with the great I AM that cannot be described. It is as if in that moment of receiving His ultimate sacrifice for me that He enters in and we become ONE, bride and groom, an intimacy of body, soul, spirit and I am known to the core of my being...we become one essence. He lives in me, closer than my breath and I can rest forever in this truth, this intimacy, this oneness that completely fills me full and fulfills me. Right there, in the center of the Rose Garden.
I ask Him, "Was there a rose garden in Eden, my Love?"
Yes, My Delight, there was! And there is an even more beautiful one in Heaven and when you get there, That is where I will meet you.
And can there be some hydrangeas as well? You know how much I love blue!
Of course, He answers, more than you can even imagine!
I don't ever want to leave You, my Love, my Liege. I don't ever want to look anywhere else or to anyone else to know how loved I am but to You. To do so would be adultery.
Stay with me awhile then.... I am always with you. I never leave you. You just need to turn your eyes to Me and live in the present moment in My Presence to be with Me. Keep this picture in your heart so you can return to it/Me whenever you desire. Even though there are no roses blooming in this garden, when you sit with Me, I want you to think of My adoring, all consuming love for you whenever you smell any roses...literally and figuratively, meaning when you lively fully in the Present moment with Me. My sweet fragrance will alert you to My Presence with you.

And now Papa speaks to me:
You are My princess, the daughter of the Most High King. I created you for intimacy, oneness with My Son, the Prince. Therefore you are a double princess. born of royalty, born to be one with royalty to serve in My Kingdom, to serve My people. You do that so well My daughter. Do not let your self-focus get in the way of doing what I've called you to do. Go and sin no more....Keep your motives pure by keeping your eyes on Me, not on yourself or even on others. As you companion with My Son and His Spirit within you, you will walk resting, in a relaxed manner with Me, no longer needing the approval of others because You have Mine and that alone is enough. I am always enough for you. Others may speak into your life but I have the final say. Stay, dwell, abide in Me and My love for you.

Mark 8:26 Don't go back into the village on your way home.
Deitra, do not go back to your old thought patterns of comparison and  looking for approval as you companion with Me on your "way home" - walk more deeply the way of humility; I will show you how...when you have something exciting to share, a new insight or aha, share it first with Me! Delight in it with Me and let Me delight in it with you, affirm you in it. Only then will you know if and when to share it with another. It is not about never sharing. It is about your motive in sharing. If you find delight in Me with it first, you will quell the need to share from wrong motives, to find love and approval outside of Me. 

My Songline: Jesus, You First
My Lord, My Liege, My Love
You alone are my desire
Your love for me is as the roses scent
Wafting through my heart, my soul
You overcome me with Your grace
Your eyes penetrate with burning love for me
to the deepest part of my being
burning away the dross
making me pure
so I can experience the Oneness
You died to secure for me.
What other man....
would give everything He has
Speak with love in what He says?
Lay down His life to set me free
What other man would give His life for me?

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