Saturday, January 11, 2014

Humility comes through self-awareness, facing ourselves and seeing our weaknesses, selfishness, failure in work and personal relationships, our unworthiness. Christian humility comes from setting our life beside the life of Christ and in the light of the demands of God. Recognizing our utter dependence on God. Praus is the Greek word for humility meaning always angry at the right time but never angry at the wrong time..... one who is stirred by indignation at the wrongs and sufferings of others but is never moved to anger by any personal wrongs or insults...meek. It also refers to an animal trained and domesticated until its every instinct and passion is under perfect control (of its Master).  Bearing insult and injury without bitterness and without complaint. (reminds me of Jesus on the Cross)...the spirit which can suffer unpleasant people with graciousness and fools without irritation.... perfect patience, forbearance.  (all of this came from William Barclay's commentary on Ephesians 4:1-3)

I sensed God's whisper to me saying.... to become your truest self, which is both your and My desire is the way of humility and thus that is your 2014 word and one in which I will reveal much and do much transforming work. My truth for you is "the more you devote yourself to Me, the more freely you will be able to love others as i have loved you." I want you to enjoy the adventure of 2014...of finding yourself through losing yourself in will be an exciting through sometimes difficult and expanding journey that we will walk together...intimacy will be the result. As you receive My unbounded love for you, you will be able to walk in humility and my love will overflow from your heart onto others, all you meet...fruitfulness as you abide, make your home in, remain in Me. Never despise our time together, thinking you need to get on to more "productive" work. This is your one necessary thing...from this all will flow.

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